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Interesting information, news and useful tips about Alanya, Turkey

In the far east of Turkey, in the province of Van, Turkey’s highest wind turbine was put into operation at an altitude of 2900 meters. The 53.2 megawatt system can supply up to 50,000 households with electricity. Three years after the groundbreaking ceremony, work on the wind turbine is nearing its end. The 14 giant […]

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Our real estate company Al-Active is looking to continue the leadership role in Alanya, with its 17-year history, motivated employees to achieve further high goals: Ideally, you have a good knowledge of English and medium Turkish as an additional language, or good knowledge of Dutch and German language You are used to back office / […]

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According to the latest publications of the Turkish Ministry of Health dated December 25, 2020. From December 28th, 2020 to March 1st, 2021, all passengers entering Turkey must present a negative PCR test result. The test should not be older than 72 hours upon arrival in Turkey. The negative test result must be presented at […]

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Dear readers, The Christmas season is approaching and the 1st Advent is already on Sunday. The New Year is almost around the corner and we are still enjoying the mild temperatures here, while in Europe the first snow is already in some areas. Despite the pandemic, life goes on as usual … Tourists are still […]

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Alanya is one of the most peaceful, happiest and safest cities in the world. 31,500 foreigners from 82 nations with different religions, languages, cultures and civilizations live here, peacefully with the local population. In this context, the Alanya municipality organized the International Christmas Market in Alanya every year on the first weekend of December, which […]

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For a few weeks it has not been possible to get a Turkish tax number directly from the tax office. This is only possible online. For this you need your original passport (which you should also use to enter the country so that it is in the system) and your identity card. In addition, a […]

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Since November 8th, those returning from risk areas have to register electronically. It can be accessed at the following website: https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/ The orders of the Federal Ministry of Health, which will come into force after November 8, 2020, have to register electronically before entering Germany if they have been in a risk area in the […]

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From December 31, 2020, Turkey and Germany will carry out an automated exchange of information on assets and bank accounts. The aim is to curb hidden income bypassing the tax authorities. For this purpose, account information will be collected in Turkey from the end of December and forwarded to the German tax authorities. Information such […]

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Foreign patients in need of plastic surgery are drawn to Turkey. If one compares the countries in the Middle East, it can be seen that not a single country has been able to successfully combine the two factors (tourism and medical services). If you are vacationing in Antalya, Bodrum or any other Turkish city on […]

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