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Time change 2023

Due to the time change last weekend, the time difference between Turkey and Europe is only 1 hour (UK 2hours). If it’s 10:00 a.m. where you live, it’s 11:00 a.m. here.

There are only 11 countries that do not change the time:

  1. Japan: The last time change in Tokyo was in September 1951.
  2. Iceland: Iceland hasn’t had the time change for a long time. In 1967 the clock hands were last turned by one hour in Reykjavik.
  3. China: In the country with the largest population in the world, there has been no time change since the 1990s. The last time the time was changed here was on September 15, 1991.
  4. Argentina: In the South American country, the last time change was in March 2009.
  5. Russia: In the largest country in the world, in terms of area, there are a total of eleven zone times. The last time change was in October 2010.
  6. Belarus: Belarus did the same as its big neighbor Russia and implemented the last time change in 2010.
  7. Egypt: The last time change in Egypt was nine years ago and was in September 2014.
  8. Türkiye: In 2016 Ankara decided to abolish the time change.
  9. Brazil: The last time change in Brazil was in February 2019.
  10. South Africa: In South Africa with the capital Pretoria there has never been a time change at all.
  11. India: As in South Africa, the time change in India was never an issue.